Make-up Air Not Silver Bullet for Healthier Classrooms
We now know how important ventilation is to limiting the transmission of airborne diseases and maintaining healthy learning environments.
ICYMI: “We Need to Improve Indoor Air Quality: Here’s How and Why” (Scientific American)
Did you miss this? In a recent article by Scientific American, they discuss the need for buildings to invest in ventilation and filtration upgrades to improve air quality and decrease COVID transmission.
Educational Infrastructure
If your school has concerns about its air quality, we urge you to contact us to set up a meeting with one of our knowledgeable air quality consultants to see how SteriSpace can help keep your school’s students and staff safe this year!
Schools Spent Millions on Air Purification Technology Some Experts Say “Need More Study”
Research commissioned by Global Plasma Solutions (GPS) shows the company’s needlepoint bipolar ionization (NPBI) products are effective in reducing SARS-CoV-2, the virus that can lead to COVID-19. But some air quality experts told WCNC Charlotte that’s not enough to convince them.
How To Still Protect Students If Schools Outlaw Masks
Is your state at a crossroads when it comes to masking students in schools? Find out more information about what can help protect your kids against the pandemic for a new school year!
SteriSpace Air Sterilization Vs Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization
SteriSpace Air Sterilization Vs Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization. Class Action Lawsuit against Global Plasma Solutions for False Claims and Deception
How Can You Make the Most of Your School’s ESSER Funds?
The government provides guidelines on how to use the ESSER funds, but for those overwhelmed by the ambiguity and confusion surrounding this important and time-sensitive process, SteriSpace® is here to help.