What is the Correct Ventilation Rate in Buildings?

Proper ventilation in buildings is vital to maintaining good air quality. Click here to find out about the correct ventilation rate in buildings.
Air Quality in WNY – What you need to know

Indoor Air Solutions: Air Purification vs Air Sterilization

Several indoor air solutions exist for commercial properties, but not all are equal. Read about air purification vs air sterilization here.
What Is Biological Contamination?

What is biological contamination and how does it impact indoor air quality? Learn how to protect your indoor air quality here.
UV light for HVAC: Why Air Sterilization Is the Better Option
Air sterilization is a better option than UV light for HVAC systems. Discover why air sterilization is the best way to improve your indoor air quality.
Guide to Understanding the Clean Air in Buildings Challenge
A building’s indoor air quality and cleanliness matter. Click here for a guide to understanding the purpose of the Clean Air in Buildings Challenge.
Make-up Air Not Silver Bullet for Healthier Classrooms
We now know how important ventilation is to limiting the transmission of airborne diseases and maintaining healthy learning environments.
ICYMI: “We Need to Improve Indoor Air Quality: Here’s How and Why” (Scientific American)
Did you miss this? In a recent article by Scientific American, they discuss the need for buildings to invest in ventilation and filtration upgrades to improve air quality and decrease COVID transmission.
ICYMI: White House turns to air quality in latest effort to thwart coronavirus – The Washington Post
ICYMI: White House turns to air quality in latest effort to thwart coronavirus –
the Washington Post. SteriSpace Can Keep The Air In Your Facility Healthy & Safe.
Why The Clean Air Challenge Should Include Air Sterilization Technology
Eureka! and SteriSpace® will be co-exhibitors at the annual event for military and civilians, scientists, and first responders, to introduce a turnkey shelter system that combines the fastest tent set-up and strike cycles in the industry with the only air sterilization technology on the market. The turnkey solution delivers next-level air sterilization to any rapid deployment environment.