Breaking news: The WHO now states that exhaled pathogens remain suspended in air contrary to the belief that pathogens were transmitted through droplets... The answer is SteriSpace®


By Hope Dunkleman, You First Services, Inc.

A Once-In-A-Generation Opportunity to Fix Outdated Educational Infrastructure

In an article written by Joseph Allen and Celine R. Grounder, Opinion Contributors, published by the Hill, these authors are stating that schools and educations facilities are in a once-in-a-generation chance to update school HVAC Systems. 

“The pandemic has shone a light on a problem of immense proportions that needs an urgent fix: Our crumbling school infrastructure. 

A recent report on the state of our schools from the American Society of Civil Engineers paints the bleak picture in numbers: Fifty-three percent of public schools need to update or replace building systems; 41 percent report problems with their HVAC; one-third use portable buildings, nearly half of which are in “poor” or “fair” condition; and 13,000 schools haven’t even assessed their facilities in the past 10 years. And despite sending 76 million children off to school each year, the U.S. inexplicably does not formally collect data on the state of school buildings, where those kids spend half their lives.

Over the past year, Congress has passed multiple bills making up to $170 billion available for improvements in school infrastructure, including measures to improve indoor air quality. More funding will also be available through the infrastructure and budget reconciliation bills. We have a once-in-generation opportunity to correct the historic underinvestment in schools that would provide benefits across three dimensions: Pandemic resilience, student and staff resilience, and climate resilience.”

SteriSpace Air Sterilization Technology for Educational Facilities

Instead of starting over with your child’s educational facilities infrastructure, why not make the addition of a SteriSpace? SteriSpace sterilizes the air by safely removing airborne biological threats, all without creating dangerous byproducts. Compare this to alternative air cleaning devices (like bipolar ionization) that let off CO2 and harmful ozone emissions. These byproducts are especially dangerous for students, as prolonged CO2 exposure can negatively affect cognitive function and brain development.

If your school has concerns about its air quality, we urge you to contact us to set up a meeting with one of our knowledgeable air quality consultants to see how SteriSpace can help keep your school’s students and staff safe this year!

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60 Minutes Feature On Indoor Air Quality

60 Minutes Feature On Indoor Air Quality

The founder of Harvard University’s Health Buildings Program, Joseph Allen, appeared on 60 minutes with Dr. Jonathan LaPook to discuss the importance of indoor air quality. Also covered are some of the technologies currently available that can be used to help prevent the spread the transmission of airborne disease as well as some of the missteps during the pandemic. An innovative patented compressive heating system, SteriSpace, is currently the only technology capable of achieving air sterilization and setting the new standard of care in indoor air quality is a perfect solution for creating healthy buildings.

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