The banquet and events industry took some of the biggest hits from the COVID-19 pandemic. All throughout 2020 and much of 2021, mass gatherings were almost non-existent. Weddings and events have been the culprits of COVID-19 outbreaks even following restrictions being lifted, spelling out the dangers these spaces can still present.
Much of the hospitality industry has been subject to constant uncertainty in the face of the coronavirus. Banquet facilities now realize that air quality can no longer be overlooked in these spaces if they want to prevent outbreaks.
Integrating SteriSpace into your standard HVAC system allows for sterilized air to be recirculated throughout your facility, leading to significant energy savings. With little to no maintenance required, SteriSpace is the perfect option for busy banquet facilities that see a lot of traffic.
Though restrictions on capacity and mask and vaccine requirements have helped, evidently, it’s not enough to stop the spread entirely.
Like many facilities, HVAC systems are the go-to for air handling. Typically, these systems will recirculate indoor air, fresh air, or some combination of both. However, with HVAC systems, the air passing through the system could be laden with airborne contaminants regardless of the air supply source.
Integrations like UV light disinfectors and air ionizers have seen an increase in popularity despite limited research on their effects. An air filter integration is certainly a step up, but their filters can still leave behind small viral particles just like SARS.
SteriSpace’s innovative compressive heating technology is proven to remove airborne pathogens with 99.9999% efficacy. Air ionizers and UV light air purification have significant drawbacks such as ozone emissions and they don’t entirely remove pathogens from the air.
In contrast, SteriSpace’s compressive heating technology leaves nothing behind but clean and uniformly sterilized air for patrons.
With COVID-19 restrictions being lifted yet again, the focus on air quality in banquet facilities has once again been placed on the back burner. Even the cleanest and most well-put together facility is only as clean as the air it contains.
There have been several instances of COVID-19 outbreaks stemming from a large gathering for an event at a banquet facility. Facilities that have held their events outside in a large tent, limited capacity, enforced social distancing, and required vaccinations or masking have still seen outbreaks occur. This has many frustrated banquet facility owners asking, “what gives?”
Despite the unpredictability of COVID-19, indoor functions are here to stay. This is why a focus on the indoor air quality of a facility that hosts large gatherings is imperative to prevent further outbreaks. SteriSpace could very well be the mechanism that ties together a comprehensive outbreak control strategy for banquet halls.
A New & Comprehensive Solution for Air Quality on Cruise Ships
Air quality is far more critical to the operations of a banquet facility than previously thought, and it doesn’t appear that this is going to change any time soon. SteriSpace is the path forward to the new standard of air quality in event settings.
Summary of the collaboration of SteriSpace and Schoellkopf to create the safest environment available to protect the elderly without losing quality of life. See how
Several indoor air solutions exist for commercial properties, but not all are equal. Read about air purification vs air sterilization here.