Environmental Benefits of SteriSpace
With SteriSpace Air Sterilization technology in your facility, we can assure you are breathing the cleanest air possible. All this while preventing people in your building from being exposed to potentially dangerous byproducts of alternative air purification technologies, including bipolar ionization or UVC lights.
SteriSpace Air Sterilization Vs Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization
SteriSpace Air Sterilization Vs Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization. Class Action Lawsuit against Global Plasma Solutions for False Claims and Deception
Producing Equipment to Support New York
SteriSpace™ is one of 12 New York Companies to Start Producing COVID-19 Related Equipment and Supplies to Support In-State Needs
Solutions for Containing Quickly Spreading Airborne Infections
Patients with a suspected infection of a highly contagious infectious disease can be placed in isolation or be quarantined in a room where negative pressure is maintained