What Is Biological Contamination?
What is biological contamination and how does it impact indoor air quality? Learn how to protect your indoor air quality here.
1.) As of January 21, 2020, the CDC has confirmed 60 deaths in patients with an e-cigarette or vaping, product use associated with lung injury. The culprit? The CDC experts have identified vitamin E acetate that is causing these vaping-related injuries. The acetate is often found in the black market and THC vape pens/cartridges.
2.) Vaping is just as addictive, if not more addictive, than normal cigarettes. The nicotine in e-cigarettes can be increased to have a higher content than a normal tobacco cigarette. The devices have a way of increasing the voltage to increase the strength of the hit from the vape.
3.) Short-term effects could be bronchitis and pneumonia. Both respiratory illnesses can lead to more harmful effects. Some vaping products have led to seizures, but this is in rare cases.
4.) Long Term Risks to vaping could be lung cancer or other respiratory types of cancers; esophageal, larynx, stomach, mouth, etc.
5.) In women, vaping during pregnancy can lead to birth defects and low birth weight.
6.) Vaping is something that is becoming more and more popular in schools. Nicotine in a developing brain can lead to reduced impulse control and mood disorders in young adults. The nicotine is “attacking” the prefrontal cortex in the developing brain. The decision-making, planning, and judging part of the brain is affecting children as young as 13 in some schools.
We often take the health of our lungs for granted. Mostly because breathing is an involuntary bodily function. What you’re inhaling through vapes or cigarettes is filled with additives and chemicals. Even for non-smokers/vapers, the air we breathe has pathogens, germs, particulate matter, and more than just oxygen.
For this reason, this past year, SteriSpace worked locally American Lung Association in Western New York, to increase awareness of the importance of lung health.
For patients that are battling lung diseases like lung cancer, bronchitis, and COVID-19, SteriSpace is a perfect preventative! SteriSpace supports lung Infected air isn’t back into circulation eliminating the threat of transmission by 99.9999%. Current industry standards of HEPA are only 99.97% effective at only trapping pathogens while being defenseless against bacterial spores.
SteriSpace Air Sterilization technology destroys 99.9999% of airborne pathogens and bacterial spores. We don’t just trap viruses and bacteria like other air purification methods. With our compressive heating technology, SteriSpace destroys pathogens; not giving them the chance to be reintroduced back into the airflow of the room.
Whether it’s quitting smoking, riding public transit, or scheduling a meeting with a SteriSpace representative, do your part this Lung Health Day.
For more information on SteriSpace please contact us and schedule a meeting with an Air Sterilization Specialist.
What is biological contamination and how does it impact indoor air quality? Learn how to protect your indoor air quality here.
Air sterilization is a better option than UV light for HVAC systems. Discover why air sterilization is the best way to improve your indoor air quality.
A building’s indoor air quality and cleanliness matter. Click here for a guide to understanding the purpose of the Clean Air in Buildings Challenge.