Breaking news: The WHO now states that exhaled pathogens remain suspended in air contrary to the belief that pathogens were transmitted through droplets... The answer is SteriSpace®

Lung Health: The Dangers of Vaping


SteriSpace Air Sterilization is the new gold standard in air quality control, especially in infusion isolation situations. To learn more on SteriSpace go to

Air Sterilization for Infusion Centers

Infusion Centers

SteriSpace Air Sterilization is the new gold standard in air quality control, especially in infusion isolation situations. To learn more on SteriSpace go to

Tuberculosis Isolation Rooms

Tuberculosis Patient Isolation

SteriSpace Air Sterilization is the new gold standard in air quality control, especially in Tuberculosis isolation situations. To learn more on STeriSpace go to

SteriSpace in Hospital Isolation Rooms

Hospital Isolation Rooms

SteriSpace Air Sterilization is the new gold standard in air quality control, especially in hospitals and healthcare facilities where the risk of infectious airborne transmission is high. Learn more about Hospital Isolation Rooms

Walk to End Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer's Walk of WNY

The End To Alzheimers Starts with You First! Check out our involvement and community sponsorship of the Walk to End alzheimers.



SteriSpace along with other You First Services, Inc. companies, Lubricity, and MetaQil, participated and sponsored the LUNG FORCE Walk in Buffalo, NY.

AUSA 2021 Meeting & Exposition

AUSA 2021 Meeting and Expo

AUSA Meeting and Expo is back this year! Set up a meeting with a SteriSpace rep while at the Expo and learn more about Air Sterilization.

What are Military Shelters?

Military Shelters

The military tent and shelter market has had an industry boom and it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop anytime soon. According to Market Insights, Inc., this market will be worth over 1 billion USD by 2027!